Youth Confirmation Class

Tuesdays 4:00-5:15pm Beginning September 5

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Youth Confirmation Class is a two-year course held weekly with the pastor during the school year. Generally, students attend in seventh and eighth grade.

This course is one way we fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission of baptizing all nations “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20). We dig deep into Christian teaching, learning from the Bible why we believe what we believe. We use the time-tested Small Catechism of Martin Luther as an outline of our learning.

Upon completion of confirmation class instruction, students are in a position to make an informed confession of faith with our congregation and to begin receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Confirmation Class is open to all youth in our community. If you would like to give your child a solid foundation in Christian teaching, we invite you to contact Pastor Seifert or Pastor Lindemann for more information.